Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OK, so I have been a bit busy with Mr. Z and have not kept this blog up to date. Here is a recap of the last 4 months. Zachary smiles like crazy at everyone and especially loves the ladies. He is a real flirt. He rolls over and back, he sits up, he scoots, he waves....once, he loves animals, stuffed animals, jumping, jumpers, anything that makes music, computer keyboards, bath time and kisses. His favorite thing in the world is the camera! I pull it out and he smiles, it is great :o) He is the most amazing person in our lives and can't imagine our world before he was here. Enjoy some pictures from the last 4 months.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Couldn't help it!

I love this picture!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Zachary is 10 weeks old!

Time is just passing me by. I can't believe Zachary is 10 weeks old. We are having a lot of fun with him and his funny personality. He is a huge smiler and loves to be talked to. Everyone comments on his huge eyes when they see him and then he fall in love when he shoots them a smile. Other than that, Kyle is 1 month away from graduating with his MBA. I can't wait for the day that he comes home from work and does not need to go upstairs to study. Luckily this semester he has a lot more time off since he is only going every other weekend to class. Graduation is on August 2nd and I am planning to have a congratulation's party afterwards for those of you who can make it. Evite's will be sent soon. Hope all is well!

Monday, April 21, 2008

3 weeks old!

Man, time is flying by as we hit the 3 week mark with our little man. I was able to celebrate my birthday this year (April 18th) with the best present one could ask for, see picture above. Zachary has been great! He feeds for about an hour and then sleeps for about 3 hours. Most of the time he is quiet, with the exception of being changed and wanting to be fed more. Kyle and I have given him his official nickname "Boob Man," because regardless if he is hungry or not, he wants to have a boob in his mouth to put him to sleep.....lucky me! We are enjoying parenthood and all of the challenges that accompany it. Until next time.......

Zhipi, Kyle and Zachary :0)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Zachary update

Hello Friends and Family,

These past two weeks have been very eventful. After 5 days in the hospital recovering from a c-section, I was able to come home with our new son, Zachary Kyle. Zachary has been wonderful, with the exception of diaper changes and baths (he does not seem to like to be naked). He is getting better as the days go on and is getting more comfortable with the outside world. He is a GREAT eater and likes to feed all day long. I am enjoying being a mother and love staring at my little man. Every time he smiles I melt! What a cutie we have. We can’t wait to share him with you all. Kyle is enjoying being a father. The lack of sleep is a challenge for him, but he does not make any complaints. He is a great dad and helps me out a lot with the diaper changes and holding Zachary so I can rest a bit. In Kyle’s own words “He’s a cutie pie!” Zachary will be two weeks old tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Zachary getting dressed.

Zachary getting his hair washed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Due Date has Arrived!!!

Hello friends and family,
Kyle and I just got home from the Dr.'s office and I wanted to update you on my status. I am currently 1 centimeter dialated.....9 more to go until I am pushing . My official due date is tomorrow, 3/26/08, and I will be going in for a follow up on Friday to measure any progress. I am scheduled to go into the hospital on Monday at 7:30am to be induced, if I don't deliver before then. I have been feeling pretty good and making sure that I get out every day and walk at least a mile. The Dr. wants me to relax for the next few days in preperation for delivery. Cross your fingers that Mr. Zachary comes out before Monday as I am sooooooo ready for him to get out and would rather not have to be induced. Other than that, we will be at Los Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks. The maternity ward is on the 2nd floor and I believe the phone no. is (805) 497-2727 if you want to know what room I am in. Unless you hear from us earlier, Zachary's birthday will either be Monday, March 31st or Tuesday, April 1st....April Fools Day, depending on how long I will be in labor. You are welcome to stop by and meet our new arrival if you get a chance.

Wish me luck,

Friday, January 25, 2008

I couldn't resist!

Kyle and I went in to get a 3D/4D dvd of Zachary today. It was great and we get to take the dvd home to share with whomever is interested in checking it out. Anyhow, Zachary was all smiles and even has dimples! (I can't believe the detail you can see). Enjoy our baby's smile, we did!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Zachary at 31 weeks!!!

Hello friends and family,
Kyle and I had an ultrasound scan today to see Mr. Zachary's progression towards life. He is doing great in all measurements and size. Today he weighs approximately 3 lbs. 9 oz., which is average size for his gestation. We got to enjoy the ultrasound pictures in 3d/4d, which are a bit creepy, but cool. Both pic's above are of Zachary's cute face, we can't wait until his arrival! I am feeling good, but finding it more difficult to get around. I am loving the daily kicks and punches of my future son, especially the one's right on my bladder :-) Kyle and I have been going to childbirth classes every week and are learning all about labor and delivery, epidurals, baby poop, etc......too much fun, we have so much to look forward to. I look forward to seeing you all that can make this weekend's baby shower, it will be so much fun!
Thanks for checking out our site, I try to update this about once a month.
~Zhipi and Kyle