Friday, January 25, 2008

I couldn't resist!

Kyle and I went in to get a 3D/4D dvd of Zachary today. It was great and we get to take the dvd home to share with whomever is interested in checking it out. Anyhow, Zachary was all smiles and even has dimples! (I can't believe the detail you can see). Enjoy our baby's smile, we did!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Zachary at 31 weeks!!!

Hello friends and family,
Kyle and I had an ultrasound scan today to see Mr. Zachary's progression towards life. He is doing great in all measurements and size. Today he weighs approximately 3 lbs. 9 oz., which is average size for his gestation. We got to enjoy the ultrasound pictures in 3d/4d, which are a bit creepy, but cool. Both pic's above are of Zachary's cute face, we can't wait until his arrival! I am feeling good, but finding it more difficult to get around. I am loving the daily kicks and punches of my future son, especially the one's right on my bladder :-) Kyle and I have been going to childbirth classes every week and are learning all about labor and delivery, epidurals, baby poop, etc......too much fun, we have so much to look forward to. I look forward to seeing you all that can make this weekend's baby shower, it will be so much fun!
Thanks for checking out our site, I try to update this about once a month.
~Zhipi and Kyle